Tuesday, February 15, 2005

The Stream of Consciousness Post

Looking out at all the snow that's been falling all day, I think winter's here to stay for a while still. And we're on our last 2 rolls of winter-scented t.p., so we'll have to tough out the last few weeks of winter with plain ol' t.p.-flavored toilet paper. So sad.

Valentine's Day is a pretty major event in the U.S., but it hasn't really caught on here in Germany. Darling Daughter and I crafted a series of Valentine's notes instead of full sized cards, and she made a little mail container for us to deposit them in.

Lovely Husband surprised us with chocolates and little gifts, then we all ate bratwurst and spaetzle for dinner, and that was the extent of our holiday. I guess I should start thinking ahead to our anniversary, or poor L.H. will end up getting a grilled cheese sandwich and a handshake.

Apparently I missed hearing the grading scale for my first Latin test (thanks, chatty classmates!), so I was pleasantly surprised upon getting the second test back graded to discover that I had actually made an A (not a B) on the first one, and a B on the second one. Go me! I even got a complimentary note on the test from the teacher because I did so well and am not a native German speaker.

D.D., when asked about her lunch at after-school care today: "I didn't like the vegetables. They weren't like Ma's. Hers are delicious; I always like her green beans." [Note: Ma's green beans come from a can. :-)]

D.D. is the queen of buttering up grandparents. Of course, she learned at the feet of the master, L.H. He and his brother and cousins have the knack of complimenting their grandmother, ensuring a cornucopia of homemade goodies when they come to visit.

They flip side is that she attributes compliments to them that we all know they didn't make. For instance, upon seeing the pieced top of a quilt she was making for us (the infamous asbestos quilt), L.H. is alleged to have said that it was the most beautiful fabric he'd ever seen.

The fabric in question is double-knit polyester in maroon and baby blue. You be the judge.

Although it's been snowing all day, it's still just a little too warm for it to stick at our house. But go to the next town up the hill—where D.D. has ballet—and it really is a winter wonderland. The trees and ground are covered in so much snow that you can barely see any brown or green. I may hate snow, but even I am affected by the transformation it's made in the landscape—from the warm, dry comfort of the car, of course.

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