Hannah brought me a pale yellow rose on Thursday, which she tried to dye pink on Monday once it had served its Mother's Day purpose, but I think it is too late for it to draw up the food coloring added to its water.
John told me "Happy Mother's Day" before noon and sent me an ecard in which my "hotness" was stressed, so I am pretty sure it was not vetted by Hannah before her name was added next to John's.
Hannah gave me a handmade, illustrated book of coupons, "only to be used after May 8th". Here are the contents of the coupons with the illustrations described inside of brackets:
- One free hug
- One free kiss on the forehead (with squat) [+ lips] ← that's *me* kissing *her*, who is tall enough to need to squat in order to be kissed
- One free cooked meal by Hannah [+ plate with steaming food]
- One free compliment by Hannah when you're feeling down
- One free hour of Hannah studying of your choice [+ Hannah with book]
- One free turn at dishwashing by Hannah [+ stack of dishes + flies]
- One free pamper day organised by Hannah [+ lady with towel on head + nail polish brush]
- One free choice of movie (without objection by Hannah) [+ cover of Barbie Swan Lake] ← my secret shame!
The three of us started the morning with a rousing game of Killer Bunnies, which was a family xmas present that hadn't even been opened yet. Just unwrapping all the plastic on the various parts of the game kept Hannah busy long enough for me to finish straightening up.
Afterward, Hannah wanted to put together a 1000-piece puzzle but got frustrated right away. In an attempt to keep her at it--we're trying to help her learn not to give up at the first opportunity--I offered to help her get it started. 6+ hours later, and with a little help from John in the final stretch, we finished it.

Oi, that was a slog, but we had a good time doing it. After that, I was asked what I wanted for my Mother's Day meal, but of course the only possible answer is "anything I don't have to cook." I think John was hoping for a restaurant visit, but I just wanted to sit or lie somewhere long enough to unkink my back--which is what happens when you put together a puzzle on the coffee table and must therefore sit on the floor--and then have some dinner. So we had homemade bean rolls with some ground meat added and some pepper pops.
And it was a great day.