Thursday, October 28, 2004

Thoughts on a Thursday

L.H. thought I was unaccountably harsh in my blog the other day on those American students. He doesn't understand that I would be just as harsh on the Russian and Chinese students if they were as loud as the Amis and if I could understand what they were saying.

I try to be efficient with my time on campus so I don't have to spend all my time at home locked away with my homework, and it irritates me to have my concentration broken by 2 girls discussing the state of their pens—"mine's almost out of ink"; "this kind's better but costs more"; blah, blah—and the search for a salsa partner, which segued into a discussion on someone else's roommate, who also happens to dance salsa, with a dash of revisiting high school dance team escapades thrown in. I stand by what I said before—inane blather.

I think part of the possible difference in opinion between L.H. and me stems from the fact that he was a college student for 12 of the last 13 years, and now teaches college students, so he still strongly associates with "youth culture." I, on the other hand, was out of school for 7 years before going back, and I worked in the administrative offices of a university almost that whole time, so I definitely do not.

Also, I like to bitch about stuff, which is the ostensible purpose of this blog. Don't like the bitching, Honey? Then don't read. (I already told him this in person. I wouldn't bitch about him behind his back.)

Weather-bitching level: 1.5
More off-and-on rain. I couldn't even manage to light the tile oven today, although L.H. thought it was too warm for it anyway.

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