Wednesday, January 16, 2008

10 Things

John Scalzi recently had an entry up, "10 (More) Things I've Done You Probably Haven't". I felt a bit timid about commenting with a list of my own, especially since lots of people seem to have hobnobbed with the great and nearly-great, but that's no reason not to do it here. Feel free to add your own list in the comments.

1. I have lived in a foreign country for over a quarter of my life. (Hannah has lived abroad for over half of her life now.)

2. I have stood on the roof of King's College Chapel at Cambridge University.

3. I got perfect scores on 2 out of 3 sections on the GRE, 4-1/2 years after graduating from college.

4. I have an acknowledgement for my copyediting work in Historiographia Linguistica.

5. I was once (at 26) the youngest presenter ever at a national conference for distance educators. (To be fair, my boss, quite a bit older than 26, was slated to give the presentation but had to leave due to a family crisis.)

6. By the end of next year, I will have a BA with a double major from an American university and an MA with a double major from a German university.

7. I worked a full 8-hour day on the day I went into labor with Hannah. She was a week overdue at the time.

8. I was the only person in my school year, in the whole city, to make all-region band in the 9th grade.

9. From the age of birth to 18, I lived in 5 places in 2 countries and 2 states. Since 18, I have lived in 11 places in Austin, 1 place in Sweden, and 1 place in Germany, for a grand total of 18 locations.

10. The only time I have ever been high was during dental surgery (when I became one with Gustav Mahler's First Symphony).


Yoda said...

Love this... think I might bloglift it.

John said...

Hey, you're right--this is fun!

1. I spent a night at the IceHotel in Jukkas järvi, Sweden.

2. I spoke rudimentary Scots Gaelic to three or four people on the Isle of Skye.

3. I have read three Icelandic sagas (Njal's, Hrafnkell's, and Völsunga) plus Völuspá (Prophecy of the Seeress) in Old Norse.

4. I have read Beowulf in Old English.

5. I visited the Gothic bible (c. 520 AD) exhibit at Uppsala University's Carolina Rediviva Library.

6. I got to teach a discussion section in general linguistics for Education students at Gothenburg University, Sweden.

7. I interviewed Finnish and Iraqi immigrants out in the suburbs of Gothenburg.

8. As an American, I became the president of the German-Swedish Club in Heidelberg.

9. Gave a poster presentation at a 2nd Language Acquisition conference in Ottawa, CA.

10. Translated a book into English, which was published in the US by Princeton Univ. Press.

Nee S. said...

John, you seem to only be counting language/travel stuff. Surely you have something a little more death-defying to add. :-)

Like the time you almost shook hands with the Swedish crown princess. Or when you drove that African ex-president somewhere.